Friday, December 4, 2009
YEP... she tested her blood at 3:00 like she was supposed too. She was so proud of herself too, and so was I.
Mattie said " it feel so good when you do the right thing" The rest of the night she was very positive and motivated about her diabetes.
The hardest part for us now, is the PUBERTY....
It has hit and is very strange, no real pattern, so it has been hard to pinpoint a starting point to fix. We are just up testing during the night, and lots of tests during the day.
So far so good, she hasn't had any DENIAL issues, I hear a lot of people say that the kids go through that and they go through it hard. Mattie has faced it head on and just keeps her chin up, and strives forward. I hope this continues, I really don't want to fight with her about it.
I wonder how long it lasts?
I have heard puberty can last for up to 4 years!! Not sure though, her next endocrine appt is in January, and we will see then.
The other thing I have been pondering is,
"Do I give her too much responsibility?"
I am not sure if I give her too much or not enough.... If I give her more now, is it going to be a negative effect or a positive effect..... HMMMM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
OOH Mattie
Mattie has been:
6am Test blood
9am Test blood
12pm Test blood
3pm Test blood
6pm Test blood
8pm Test blood
NONE of these testing times has EVER changed!!!
OOH, by my little Mattie thought that she could pull a fast one on me... HAHA
So, we started back to school on Monday, after Thanksgiving break...
I asked her what her blood sugar was @ 3.... DEAD SILENCE!!! HUH
OK, "Mattie it is important to test @ 3, that way when your walking home from school, you won't DROP!!!"
Mattie " OK, I will do it tomorrow"
Tomorrow came, and again NO TEST @ 3.....
So, this time I said " Mattie you know better, so if you don't test again before you leave from school, you will not have any computer time, cell phone time, or friends!!"
We ALWAYS have friends at our house, so I knew this would KILL HER!! sneaky huh?
SO, Wednesday... " Did you test" DEAD SILENCE AGAIN!!
Yep, I stuck to it!! She couldn't use computer, text ... she was miserable. She pouted all night long, and woos me, " i never get to have anything fun" Mattie asked me to call and remind her to test her blood. I explained to her that when she is at home, dad and I do all her diabetes, reminders, shots, drawing it up, going over numbers.... and the fact that she has already been doing this for years. There is no difference.
I know it must be so hard, it is hard on me to remember all that we have to do with her diabetes, and my own job, and then coming home and dinner, homework... laundry, shopping, cleaning... but Mattie we ALL JUST DO IT!! Being sad isn't going to change the time you test, it's not going to change your pancreas, it WON'T CHANGE ANYTHING. So, I told her have your moment, that is fine.. I don't blame you, but test when your supposed to so you can live a happy long life.
I told her that she is now 11 almost 12, going into Jr. High... and at some point whether she likes it or not,. she will have to be MORE RESPONSIBLE for her diabetes. I will ALWAYS be there and can help, but.. ultimately as a parent.. it is my job to teach her, and guide her.
Cute Mattie woke up this morning a bit high.. and she said,
"Well here is to another day, and I am lucky to have this day." OOHH I love her!!
I did threaten her too, I told her that if I had to quit my job, sell our house and follow her around school ALL DAY LONG, that I would in a heart beat. Just to make sure she is healthy. I get this umph from my mom!!
K, bye for now!! :)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Well, wow it is now December and X-MAS is just around the corner. I hope every one is enjoying the holidays.
We are, Mattie left on 11-20 to see her dad in Texas... Yep, I cried when she left on the plane..
She did good though, she tested before she got on and was 176.. PERFECT for flying. Then when she got off she was 218... not too bad.
Mattie spent a week with her dad and step mom and three little sisters. Lots of fun and playing. They did OK with her blood sugars, I feel that her step mom just doesn't think its a big deal.
On Thanksgiving Day Mattie feel off a GO Cart.. (Mattie is clumsy) and she fractured her wrist. Her dad called and told me, and I explained to him that she will spill Ketones and have high sugars. he said " well she is already been way high, so it will be OK"
Then her step mom said "why are you having all these highs"
Mattie said " well, anytime I have trauma to my body my sugars spike"
her step mom says " Mattie, your fracture has nothing to do with your blood sugars"
REALLY???? and you would know this HOW? UUUMMM HELLO!!!
It drives me absolutely BATTY when people say things like this. They do not do nor KNOW the things Mattie and I do. Mattie is SO AMAZING, and so smart.. she counts her own carbs, she has given her self her own shots since she was 6... she KNOWS how her body is acting, and what it will do.
Oh, well.. it's over and done with. One day I will get my chance to explain to them.
It is still pretty swollen and sore, so we will check it out.
I want more than anything for Mattie to have a relationship with her dad and his family, but I don't want to share at the same time. UUGHHH
Other than that, we are doing good and getting ready for Santa to come to our house... and Santa is behind schedule... as always.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Oh Brohlen!

This cute little guy is Brohlen... aka Dennis the Menace!!
Brohlen just turned 4, and is full of life, he is cuddly and yet so independent.
Last night, we had Mattie's parent teacher conference, and she is doing great, her teacher said she is being very responsible with her diabetes and testing when she is supposed too.. YEAH Mattie!
Right after that all of us needed a hair cut, so dad, me, Mattie and Brohlen went and go our hair cut and then had to run to the grocery store... so it was getting late and we Mattie was @ 138 so we decided to get a quick hamburger and go home.
We got home and Mattie gave insulin while Brohlen was still dragging his feet to come in the house. While he is walking in the door, Mattie is taking a bite of her food, and he SCREAMS and starts crying, running to her..
I said "what is wrong"
Brohlen "Mattie didn't give a shot, and this is going to make her sick"
Me "Mattie gave a shot, and she will be fine, it's OK"
Brohlen "will she die?"
That made me sad, I hope Mattie doesn't think that. Kev and I had a talk with him and just explained that as a family we help Mattie give shots, test her blood and love her.. and that way Mattie will be just fine. He was good with that and on to the next big thing in his little life..
This is why Diabetes Awareness is so important! People need to be educated, and not AFRAID. People with diabetes shouldn't be afraid, nor embarrassed about who they are or what they need to do to take care of their lives. I am glad that I am a part of all this, and that my children have experiences with diabetes. Mattie is just the same, but eats a tad different then some!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dexcom, Is it worth it?
But, I am a little hesitant. I am not sure if it REALLY is worth the money.
I know when it comes to diabetes, MONEY shouldn't be an issue, nor should the trouble!!
So, I want to hear from diabetics/parents who have this or who tried it.. I really think that this would be a good thing for Mattie now, since she is as she says "Pre Teen" that means she can be mouthy, without getting into trouble. So she thinks !!
Mattie is experiencing highs, and then some real quick lows, and when she gets below 100 then she can trigger into epileptic seizures. Hopefully it can help her through this PUBERTY period.
So, PLEASE any ideas welcome!!
Oh, I am so thankful to have ALL of you for support and encouragement DAILY!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
There is so much in our daily lives to be thankful for, but I am going to have to say In a way I am Thankful for DIABETES!
I know, have I fallen and hit my head lately, or did some one pinch me to say this...
NO, diabetes has changed my life and not for the worse.
True, it has made some things difficult,
* Always testing
* Always worrying
* Stressful
* heartbreaking
* Sleepless nights
* Takes more time to get ready to eat
* Watching what they eat
* School
* Ketones
* Attitude
* Who they go with
* What babysitters they can have
With all these being said;
You would wonder why any one would be THANKFUL...
At the same time it has;
* Made Mattie stronger
* Kev and I stronger
* Our family closer
* Knowledge
* Hopeful
* Faith
* Healthy eating habits
* Friends
* Great support groups
* Fun camps
* They can live full and happy lives
* Cool bags to put supplies in
* Were ALIVE
I know that every one in life is faced with different challenges, and we ALL have some sort of obstacle we face. Mattie is a DIABETIC and EPILEPTIC. That's just how it is and we are taking the bull by the horns and showing it how its done.
I thank her everyday for her courage, and her bravery. I wouldn't want to give my self a shot 10 times a day, test a BILLION times a day. Mattie goes to the best school, and ALL the kids look after her, and she has taught them so much, about life and strength, and attitude.
Don't get me wrong, I have my TEMPER TANTRUM days, but with out ALL this in our lives;
Monday, November 9, 2009
I got her up at 6am, tested 248!!
MOM: "What"
MOM: "Did you wash your hands"
Mattie: "Yes, you heard me too"
MOM: " I know, but really you were just fine!!!!!"
Ok, so we are now doing 1/10 for breakfast so she had..
Kix 1 1/4 cup is 26 carbs x 2 (2 bowls of cereal)= 52 carbs
Milk 1 cup is 12 carbs= 12
Glucerna 1 bottle is 26 carbs=26
Total = 90/ 10 = 9
and to correct is 2 units
so added up it is 11 units of insulin.
so, at 6:30 she gave her insulin and then we wait 20 minutes to eat.
Mattie tested her blood again at 9:am
Yep 348!! SERIOUSLY.............. WHY, WHY, WHY!!!
Glucerna ??

Friday, November 6, 2009
Over and moving on!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
World Diabetes Day!!

To break it down for you, at 2pm on Nov. 14, please do this:
Friday, October 23, 2009
We are excited to have the opportunity to blog daily about Mattie's diabetes.
As a parent of a diabetic you know or will learn quickly how challenging this new life can be.
Mattisin was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes July of 2004, a year later she was diagnosed with Epilepsy. It has been a rough, and good five years so far.
I think the hardest part as a parent, is to WATCH your child take on such responsibilities.
Mattie and I encourage anyone to post comments, ideas or thoughts you may have.
Stay tuned!!